Kamis, 02 Desember 2010


Understanding Email
Email stands for Electronic Mail, or often also called electronic mail. The concept of sending emails with regular postal mail, each person has their own mailbox with its own address. True to its name email sent electronically, this led to the email we could send us a copy so we can send to multiple people at once, Selian that we can also send files such as documents, images, programs and so forth along with the email sent.
There are three types of email services in use today:
1. Pop Mail
Email is received through an Internet Service Provider who became Subscribed us.
Excess POP email is the email of this type can be read in the offline (not connected to the internet).
Kekeurangan of POP email is that we can not open emails from any place.
2. Web-based email.
Is the email service offered by the websites email service providers. For example: Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. Plasa.com.
The advantages of web-based email is usually given geratis, Selian that we check email from anywhere.
Lack of us can only read emails online is only under conditions that require the cost of connection to the internet is greater.
3. Email Forwarding.
Is a service that forwards email to the email you received our email address to another. Email this type useful for people who like to change-change your email address.
The advantages we can hide the real email address.
Shortage because only a intermediary and shall forward a received email to another address, the mail takes longer to get to the real email alaat.

Create Email Account.
To make acoount email or register a UK website e-mail service provider is the first step we must do in order to use email. There are many websites on the internet email service providers that we can choose between judgments: Yahoo (www.yahoo.com), Lycos (www.lycos.com), plasa.com (www.plasa.com) and so forth.

Login and Logout.
To be able to work with e-mail: write, read and reply to emails, we must go first to the email account you created. Log into your email account which we have termed login.
We do the login process by entering a user id and password in the login text box provided.

Some Facilities Email
It is a place to store letter or e-mail as appropriate a pemyimpanan folder files in a computer.
Cheeck Mail.
A facility perintas link to check new letters into or reading old letters in the inbox.
A facility link command to display the new mail pieces that will aide you send
Is an archiving facility letters, both letters have been sent and the letter you have received.
Address Book.
A facility to create and save a list of important e-mail address
This facility represents a link command to display sheet making a reply based on an E-Mail that you are reading.
A facility to send back an email that you receive to others without making any changes to the content of the email.
Is a temporary disposal sites for emails, which have been deleted and no longer required.
A facility to include a list of attachments in messages you send (eg document or image file)
Options / Config
That is a facility to manage email accounts such as changing personal data, automatic identification mark at the end of each letter, blocking specific email address, password changes and so forth.
Bulk Mail.
Is an additional facility provided by certain sites to filter and automatically save the new email acceptance is not deemed important or disturbing, such as emails or other promotions.
A facility providing automatic mail without the sender's identity that will always be included at the end of each new email sent.
Sign out / Log out
Is a link command to close the facility and out of your account email.

Benefits of E-mail facilities are as follows:
1. Effective for the purposes of correspondence.
2. Efficient to send the document sheets in large quantities.
3. Flexible because it can send, receive, or read anytime and anywhere.
4. Can be used as a venue for discussion
5. To subscribe to certain information periodically, for example, to memantaui product price information from a company.
6. To submit a job application along with supporting document attachments, including photos or drawings.
7. Received a greeting card
8. As a mark of identity on the Internet.
9. As a container for a letter and order in large quantities such as service PO BOX

These steps send an e-mail.
1. Enter your e-mail into your account, after pages acoount E-mail, click the button or link compose (write letters) are available, it will display a page with a sheet to create an E-mail
2. Click the column to (to) and type E-mail address is correct. Example: kanjeng_siti@yahoo.co.id
3. Click the subject (topic) and then type the title of a letter sent (may be left blank)
4. Click on the main column to make the message and type the letter that you send.
5. Once considered, send an E-mail address by clicking the send button or send a usually located below or above the field of typing.

Sending Attachments documents and photos via attachment facility.
1. Make sure the document or photo stored on disks have been copied to a computer or access the Internet.
2. Log in to check your e-mail account, and create a new page for sending E-Mail. Create a new letter explaining (as the message pengatar) documents or photos you enclosed.
3. When finished, click the button or link attachments or attach files that are above or below the main column of typing messages. (Will display a dialog box pembauatan attachment). If using telkomnet, the box is already available at the bottom of the column making the message.
4. Click the browse button on the box-making attachment, it will display the dialog box choose the file. Open the data file you have prepared by clicking on the column look in and navigate to the location of data storage. Select a file to send and click the open button. Wait for the file insertion process is complete until the name of the file that you want listed in the attachment box.
5. Click the done button at the bottom if the attachment file has finished installing then pops back page E-mail. Perhatiakn above the column contained a description of writing a message that the file name will be attached.
6. If the placement process has been completed the file attachment, then send an e-mail and files lampiranya to click the send (send). If successful the process of sending the message "massage sent"

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